
I’m Tarak Nandi from West Bengal. I’m 30 years old. I had been suffering from spinal cord injury for 2years. My L4-5, L5-S1 discs are bulged. Two doctors in West Bengal suggested me microsurgery. Then I decided to go to Delhi. I know about Dr Manish Raj through Internet. I read a journal about Endoscopic Disectomy in the website of Spinomax. Then I took appointment of Dr Manish Raj at SCI International Hospital. Dr Manish sir suggested me Endoscopic Disectomy. Then I took decision for surgery. Dr Manish sir is very helpful and kind hearted. He did my surgery very carefully and successfully. Now I am totally fit. I’m driving motor bike and doing other work. Besides Dr. Manish sir as a human being is a great person. I respect and love him as my big brother. I will be highly obliged for your help forever. Many many thanks…sir🙏🙏

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