Inferiorly Migrated Extruded disc at L2-3
- The young 22-year-old patient was in severe back pain radiating to the leg, He had difficulty with moving in & out of bed. He also had tingling sensation going down the leg. Post MRI we evaluated his condition of being uncommon extrusion of the disc for his age.
- Since the disc was very big & was compressing on nerve we advised for endoscopic discectomy, which is a type of keyhole endoscopic spine surgery done with the help of HD camera, Micro instruments & LASER.
- The patient was admitted in the morning & discharged by the evening without any pain in the body or scar. We can compare his previous & fresh MRI where no pressure is seen on the nerve after endoscopic spine surgery.

preoperative showing L2-3 inferior migrated disc (on left) Postoperative MRI Free nerve root on the right
Back pain in young adults can be due to Juvenile Degenerative Disc Disease. Studies indicate that Lumbar Degenerative Disc Disease in the lower spine is due to the common “teenage slouch”. Vertebrae in the back are cushioned by doughnut-shaped, gel-like pillows, called discs. With Degenerative Disc Disease, these discs break down, bringing on sudden pain with movement such as standing up from a sitting position. The pain may feel as if the bone is scraping on bone within the spine.
This discomfort can become worse with long periods of sitting, it may last weeks or months and is often quite intense. There are many treatment options for Degenerative Disc Disease, which will vary according to the clinical & radiological assessment of your spine pain doctor. He may advise for conservative medication, or epidural nerve procedure or minimally invasive endoscopic discectomy procedure for pain relief as well as avoidance of future complications.